Santa Claus Golf

Competition rules



All Competitions of Santa Claus Golf Club shall be played in accordance with the Rules of Golf as approved by the Finnish Golf Association, and Bye-Laws and Local Rules of Santa Claus Golf.


A referee or supervisor may be nominated for a competition to resolve questions of interpretation during the competition. In the competitions organized by the Club, the competition committee or its representative shall decide on the questions of interpretation.


Registration starts at the earliest four and no later than two weeks before the competition. The player is solely responsible for enrolling. The registration for the weekend competitions usually ends on Thursday at 6pm. Registrations can be made in NexGolf or to the caddiemaster.

If the competition is full, the enrolled will be selected in the registration order. The organizer of the competition decides on the approval of post-enrolled persons. In the competitions organized by the Club, the competition director decides on the approval of post-enrolled persons. As a rule, post-enrolled persons can only be taken in to complete withdrawals.

In open handicap competitions an active EGA handicap is required. Participation in the club’s competitions can also take place with an inactive handicap, but in that case you can not receive prizes at individual competitions. In sponsor competitions, awarding prizes will be decided by the sponsor. The maximum handicap is 36, unless otherwise stated. In the handicap competitions of the club, the veterans (M65) and boys under the age of 14 can choose the red tee and must notify the choice when registering.


Participation in the competition can be canceled free of charge before the release of the tee times.


The competition tee times will be published in NexGolf and on the Internet at the latest 24 hours before the start of the competition. The competitor himself is responsible for checking his tee time.


If the players play with undue delay that is not due to overtake, they are subject to time monitoring. If in time monitoring the stipulated stroke of a player takes more than 40 seconds after his turn to play the ball, the player is punished according to Rule 6-7.

  • first offence: one stroke
  • second offence: two strokes
  • subsequent offence: exclusion from the competition


The player may decide to suspend the game if he or she believes there is danger from lightning (Rule 6-8a). If the competition commission or director discontinues the game because of the lightning, players must immediately suspend the game. The interruption is signaled by an audible signal from the club house and the fairway cafe. In this case, the game must be halted immediately and the ball marked. Players may not continue the game without the permission of the competition commission or director. The penalty for violating this rule is exclusion from the competition.


In the event of a tie in a handicap competition the smaller handicap wins. If it still is a tie, the so-called ” mathematical method applies. In the event of a tie in a scratch stroke-play competition the mathematical method applies: in 18 hole competitions the winner is determined on the basis of the best score for the last 9, 6, 3 and 1 holes, and finally the lottery. In 36 hole competitions the winner is determined on the basis of the best score for the last 18, 9, 6, 3 and 1 holes, and finally the lottery, and in 54 hole competitions on the last 36, 18, 9, 6, 3 and 1 holes, and finally the lottery.

In the championships and the like, the first place is solved with Sudden Death by continuing the game from the 1st tee in a normal manner until the solution is reached.


The use of a buggy (golf car) is forbidden in competitions. The competition director may grant permission to use a golf car. The Committee can grant veterans permissions for the entire season.

Open printable competition rules.

Tämä verkkosivusto käyttää evästeitä paremman selauskokemuksen tarjoamiseksi
Tämä verkkosivusto käyttää evästeitä paremman selauskokemuksen tarjoamiseksi. Näihin kuuluvat olennaiset evästeet, jotka ovat välttämättömiä sivuston toiminnan kannalta, sekä muut evästeet, joita käytetään vain anonyymeihin tilastollisiin tarkoituksiin, mukavuusasetuksiin tai henkilökohtaisen sisällön näyttämiseen. Voit itse päättää, mitkä luokat haluat sallia. Huomaa, että asetuksista riippuen kaikki sivuston toiminnot eivät välttämättä ole käytettävissä. Mikäli muutat valintoja, niin päivitä sivu uudelleen asetusten tallentamisen jälkeen.
Tämä verkkosivusto käyttää evästeitä paremman selauskokemuksen tarjoamiseksi
Tämä verkkosivusto käyttää evästeitä paremman selauskokemuksen tarjoamiseksi. Näihin kuuluvat olennaiset evästeet, jotka ovat välttämättömiä sivuston toiminnan kannalta, sekä muut evästeet, joita käytetään vain anonyymeihin tilastollisiin tarkoituksiin, mukavuusasetuksiin tai henkilökohtaisen sisällön näyttämiseen. Voit itse päättää, mitkä luokat haluat sallia. Huomaa, että asetuksista riippuen kaikki sivuston toiminnot eivät välttämättä ole käytettävissä. Mikäli muutat valintoja, niin päivitä sivu uudelleen asetusten tallentamisen jälkeen.
Evästeasetuksesi on tallennettu